2007-11-03 // 16:16:59


FIrst of all, you can ignore Silvana's 'love those colors' statement. She's just kissing ass because she think you're the teacher's pet and badly wants to be, too. Lou, he's making presumptions about pumpkins, which is never healthy and I've warned him about this thricely. The picture itself? A fantastic underperformer. Note that fantastic relates to UNDER, not as a superlative. In this, you've lost focus, quite clearly. Not that this is a prerequisite to achieve academic excellence, but it has its place. As, too, does the diligence required to properly smooth a tablecloth.

2007-02-22 // 21:01:40
I looove those colors!

2006-12-22 // 15:27:43
i am thigh-deep in hanukkah gifts and pumpkin cookies.

how are you faring?

2006-12-22 // 14:48:16
where'd you go? you are missed.
just a bit of a busy girl.
How have you been, oh witty one?


2006-11-20 // 15:37:55
Jack Frost
scary dolls? let's see the scary dolls. you take pictures of cupcakes, but ignore the scary dolls???
you...don't like my cupcakes? i think cake needs more appreciation, dammit!
(and yeah, i'll get a shot of my dolls)

2006-11-20 // 14:52:16
if they're so pretty, why eat them? why not cover them in a glaze, and put them on your mantle, that others may see the tiny delight-flavored cupcakes?
because, smartarse, they're pretty in the realm of stuff-you-digest. not shelf pieces. i've got cameras and scary dolls for my shelf.

2006-11-20 // 14:27:04
pumpkin soup? that doesn't even sound good. but don't count out the pumpkin just because of one ill-conceived dish.

try some pumpkin ice cream. mmm, ice cream.

so, what flavor Are the cupcakes, then?

cupcake flavour. tiny delight flavour. sprinkled with hearts. cupcakes don't need a flavour. they're just so damn pretty.

2006-11-20 // 14:17:47
wouldn't happen to be pumpkin-flavored, would they?
no, i'm sorry. i had some pumpkin soup recently and it was fucking awful. i've since boycotted the nasty yet cute fruit.