2007-01-17 // 01:11:42
Non posso che essere felice nel vedere che riesci a creare anche con una pellicola "castrata".
E' evidente che impersoni lo spirito della Polaroid, esprimere creatività, libertà e fantasia con poco a disposizione, sei veramente un grande.
Ovviamente V+F

caro marco credo che si debba sempre tentare il possibile su ogni mezzo e tecnologia soprattutto le nuove, ed anche in questo caso analogico di pellicola polaroid
grazie per il supporto!

2006-10-28 // 09:38:27
For the master of manipulation everything is manipulable!
thanks you so much for this words!!

2006-10-28 // 02:29:28
Hey Filippo! Nice attempts so far...I could imagine this is like trying to manipulate 600, having to work reasonably quickly? I like what you've done..and I really like the colours and jumpbled art material in this composition.

ciao cameron
it passed some time from the last message, I hope that all is ok for you and your family.
For this shot:
yes you need to work really quickly in order to manipulate the film
is not like the old sx 70 film but is possible to have some good effect also with this new unbelievable film..
i'm wasting many films to experimenting any of my knows ways..
who knows ..?
nice to see you again cameron!!