2008-09-25 // 10:20:43
where nothing is there can mothing not to be.

2007-11-12 // 20:46:23
After the "kiss" monochrome accident on Twombly's "art"...

I guess i'd have loved to see the same one on the pola "kiss" frame win. And not a full white one.

2007-11-12 // 02:37:14
oooh yes! :D
haha. i guess, the explanation why this pola won the contest, would be very funny too.. :D

2007-11-10 // 18:17:08
hahahahahahahahaha i think you should win for this.

2007-11-10 // 08:37:04
this one is VERY long to reveal itself
...but i'll wait

lemme know when its done, thx

2007-11-10 // 00:39:56

p.s. I just read your text below ... a very fascinating little "object" you put into this box.

p.p.s. I very much agree with tigalitalitalita's "comment"

down at the
of the


2007-11-10 // 00:27:48

I like this portrait of a Tanzanian hippopotamus.

At least ...

... I *think* it's a Tanzanian hippopotamus. It certainly *looks* like one.

never thought of it that way. As I just told ouur friend the Dude, I had to walk very far to get that shot. It really is my BEST est you know.
PS: Btw, it isn't a Tanzanian one..

2007-11-10 // 00:18:44
sure did! : D
thanks again, means a lot! huggs kiss many children t you etc etc etc

2007-11-10 // 00:15:07
The most beautiful Polaroid on the site!
Your framing is perfect! And the lighting is awesome!

Thnks so much, it means a lot, it took me 4hrs to find the place and then anther hour to get the lighting right. I think I got it in this one :-)

2007-01-11 // 15:13:24
milky way....

2007-01-08 // 16:58:21
white isn't emptiness

2007-01-06 // 15:08:42
to me it doesn't sound melodramatic at all
i think it's beautiful and deserves to be placed right next to the picture

2007-01-06 // 13:29:15
you just keep on surprising us...
nice concept once more...
thanks and have a good time OFF...

2007-01-05 // 23:46:28

Beginning of October 2005 I started shooting my very first Polaroid. It showed Severin, my former lover, infront of a tree in Vienna. I had bought the Polaroid camera that very day on the flea market. We bought film for 60Eur just to test it.

The next day I searched e-bay for better prices and got to know andi from unsaleable.com, with whom I started mailing back and forth asking silly beginnier questions. He was so nice and I was excited to realize the bureau was in Vienna and asking if I could get film there instead of letting the post send it he said "yes" and I think the day after I put my foot into their office the very first time.

To me, that day is one of the most important points of direction in my life, no matter how silly that sounds. It has changed me and my world completely. As an "artist" as well as an individual that day (I still want to find out the precise date) changed me, took me in a direction I had not expected. Polaroids and 3 very kind, humorous and enthusiastic boys (literally) sitting in a tiny office stuffed with millions of boxes of film and cameras, that particular scent of old cameras and leather..the time they invested (still do) in their customers, lended cameras, gave away film to a freak-girl like me to test it etc..it was a mixture of alice in wonderland and paradise to me.
It felt like being welcomed into a family of passion,madness and love. What better combination could there be.
I fell in love immediately without noticing.

So, Polaroid became an obsession. Without doc and the crew I'd not been able to take as many pictures, test as many cameras and film and directions. Its a fact. I felt bad for wasting so much film but I was encouraged continuously. Broke and drowning in debt as I was (still am lol) I got supported where ever it was realistical.

The very first day in their office they told me about the soon-to-be-launched polanoid website. I was so excited the night it was going to happen that I kept refreshing and refreshing only to figure they re-loaded the counter ;-P
It was terrible! I couldn't wait!

So on the 12th of October I joined and the lovely community.

In the meantime a few little and less little changes happened in my private life, concerning university, failed plans and my relationship to my lover crumbling and slowly dying in a big pool of blood, and I wonder if I would have "survived" it if I hadn't had the possibility to capture it in Polaroids. Some images were forebodings which I could understand so much better after everything died, and it helped to project painful feelings in elder pictures as well as producing new work driven by current pain. Or new found joys. New found loves. New found freedoms and millions of ideas, visions, plans, wishes. Anything and everything.

This is just a try to describe why I am so deeply connected to the medium. It entered my life in one of the most difficult and most confusing, aching situations I have so far lived in my short life. These two years were my (so far..) most labile, painful, happy, bloody and deepest period of my emotional life. And just as full with unknown pleasures, love, happiness, joy, enthusiasm. Everything I lived I lived as intensively as Goethe would write his dramas and poems. "Himmelhoch jauchzend zu Tode betrübt".

Until now I have taken uncountable Polaroid pictures, tested uncountable tricks, filters, lenses, accessories, cameras, flashs and films. I know that it is a gift and I am endlessly thankful for every single shot I have been supported and allowed to take in my short Polaroid affair, which happens to have had its anniversary a few days ago.

1 year of Polaroiding for me. Unbelievable.
It feels like ages. It feels like it started just yesterday. It feels like it will be a part of me forever.

Where has Polaroid carried me?
Despite the obvious chances as an "artist" being part of Polanoir and helping the gallery where ever possible with daily work, selling Polaroids, receiving alot of feedback and criticism, people supporting me in what I create and do,
it has manifested me as a person in so many ways. My views on love and sexuality, friendship and trust have not necessarily changed but through being able to capture it in a new way (ie new medium) at the right time (1 year ago) it also made things manifest, tangible, viewable and through being concrete and haptic, it helped me organise,re-organise, analyse and understand myself and my current world as well as my past, better.
It also helped starting to accept the limits of understanding, the illimitability of emotions and thoughts, the limits of the possible in our real world and the illimitability of anything transcendet, thought, felt and loved.

Of course Polaroid is "only" a part of the process that I would have gone through anyway, but it played a major role and I am certain it will do so for the next years.

Also, Polaroid FINALLY has led me to film. Super8 film to be precise.Super8 starts becoming a major part of my work though I am only slowly slowly learning and still need some time to start cutting and filming them off the wall etc to show them!! I LOVE SUPER8FILM AND POLAROIDFILM! Need it!
May we find ways to make them last as long as possible! lol

Most of this text sounds melodramaatic maybe, but I don't feel like I am exaggerating. I might delete this text as it feels so personal but today I am in such a nostalgic mood, as autumn always does to me, and I just wanted to honour and share my personal story of 1 year in the world of Polaroids.

Thanks for reading anyway.

2007-01-02 // 19:52:39
tabula rasa for the year to come -
is there any place on the internet where your pictures can be seen ?

2007-01-01 // 14:55:17
The spiritual void!? The future yet to be unveiled. Two rocks in a snow storm. The milky white of a lovers thigh. The dream in the clouds. London on a foggy day. The sum total of my intelligence this morning. The sum total of your intelligence this morning. The inescapeable absurdity of blank meaning absence. A psychological sounding board. A window to our future happiness. Happy 2007 Lia.

2007-01-01 // 05:39:56
But what type of film did you use?! The white is so creamy and soft!
this is simple sx70 exposed to light (by accident :-P )

2006-11-19 // 18:07:41
Milk :]

2006-09-15 // 10:17:11
so minimalistic...
but we could think that the perfect image, at the end of the long research path, is : the No-image!

2006-09-12 // 15:35:00
ok, i will take the one i corekt on photosop from this site, :)

2006-09-11 // 21:42:11
hey , tey wos no 1000 of changes in the polaroid of me:))only my eyes -more kolors , and nothing alse
there you go. Colorediting and desaturation as I guessed. :-)
this is a polaroid site not a digital-skill-site.

2006-09-11 // 08:33:10
based on the "empty irritation" i clicked on too many links and buttons. on the end my comment box was ... empty! ;-)

are you back?

nope, but had to get study-things done (timetable etc.) as university starts october and I wanted to have that done when I return, so that's why I am online now and then. :-)

2006-09-10 // 22:17:22
i'm perplexed. can't find "my" angel here. empty! why?
break :-)

2006-09-06 // 14:25:24
WHEN ????

2006-09-05 // 08:55:30
ups, where have all your polas gone?

2006-08-28 // 00:42:01
:-) .. i don't know .. i come back to this site and think .. 'want to go look at some of my favourite photography' .. so of i go to your gallery and ... it's empty!! ... your going to have to publish a book so at least i can keep them :-)
I did ;-)
but things ar vague still and so far only one exemplary exists but shhh... ;-)

2006-08-27 // 03:19:03
thank you to yours comment

take care
S :-)

2006-08-24 // 16:34:02
great shot in a great gallery... i would call it minimalism

- lush -

2006-08-23 // 15:31:46
This is a very common photo. But for a strange reason, being posted by you - miss white Little Ice Age - and in combination with your empty gallery has a great white power!

Waiting for your whiteness to explode in my screen!
I don't know why I have written "explode" but I like it!

It is not even mine ;-)
but lol
this is just a representation of my "break" :-)

2006-08-22 // 23:49:30
to feel white

2006-08-22 // 17:16:09
The end is the beginning is the end...wie man bei uns im prolligen Wien so schön sagt.

2006-08-22 // 07:56:04
blizzards in summer?
one could say so..what a schneesturm in summer.

2006-08-22 // 07:11:04
pas mal du tout ...... !!!! lol........ nothing is great also

2006-08-22 // 00:47:54
where you gone? x
to the end.
and you?

2006-08-22 // 00:34:37
