2010-08-16 // 03:01:49 NONLOSO fantastic, really nice and clever...congrats...
2006-02-11 // 01:14:19 sixblueten I love this one. The original keys become fingers and piano keys simultaneously. . . one hell of a piece!
2006-02-09 // 17:31:31 tam-tam wow.. this is really great !
2006-02-09 // 10:51:39 lars.blumen gosh, this is great***
2006-02-09 // 07:19:12 bonnie oh cc!! this is so perfect!! moooore please :-) (and i don't believe the WM invented this techique...)
yes webmaster want to be me
I know that now is printing my pola and ready to sell them all over the world!
2006-02-09 // 01:34:06 stOOpidgErL oh! I love old typewriters so much and I love what you did with this shot! Makes it soooo much more interesting! Really stands out!
thanks stOOpidgErl
I will try to do more works like this one but with a better cut! and also lights
this are experimental