2007-07-10 // 22:28:43
aah I been working my way backwards and I'm finding so much good stuff I never seen. Incredible expression!

2007-01-09 // 07:49:15
if kids went to prison, this would be the toughest mug shot :)

2006-11-01 // 20:09:24
very nice portait!!

2006-10-17 // 12:24:57
thanks for your comment on my battersea pic... you've got great portraits ! this one is my favorite... he's like... "take this damn picture quick cos I got more important things to do !!"...hehe

2006-09-20 // 18:17:56
I can't get 23 four leaf clovers but Iris is very good at cleaning (she thinks she is snow white)so he would be very happy. is happiness going to be enough?
Yes, that will suffice. We'll talk about the dowry in a few years. In the meantime, we'll hook them up as pen pals!

2006-09-10 // 00:10:05
great series!!!
4 year olds have so much character.

Thanks! Where does the character go? We get older. . .and so many of us go GRAY.

2006-08-26 // 01:24:54
so cute. i would like to reserve him for Iris. how much?
Well, he's not even four . . .but if you're interested in waiting a decade plus, a deposit of twenty-three four-leaf clovers will suffice.

2006-08-10 // 18:12:41
how did you get magiccubes?
i need that~

eBay, of course. . . but the bidding does get fierce, sadly. I wouldn't ever pay more than 50 cents U.S. per cube. If others want to pay more, let 'em.

2006-08-03 // 03:51:02
Ah - the first and the last one of your big shots here appeal to me the most. Justice doesn't seem to challenge the camera back as much as he seems to be standing his ground...which I also like!
Good point, and you're right. Kids are better with the camera than adults, I think.