2006-07-29 // 18:55:15 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke Well done Ulf. This shot is cinematic, and cinematic is a word I don't tend to bandy about lightly.
Your bestowal of said adjective is indeed an honor, kind madame.
2006-07-28 // 15:57:46 HJosch This picture tells so many stories. Could be a still from a roadmovie. Love composition and shadows.
Cheers! I'm very glad to hear that as I see this image much the same way. Thank you for the compliment.
2006-07-28 // 15:05:13 Jakob.Salomon Der Aspekt der Wanderung hin zu einem Ziel, das man aus der Ferne erspäht hat, und wie sich Perspektive/ Licht/ Farben dabei verändern - das kommt schön raus in deiner Bildergeschichte
Das freut mich. Auf die Art und Weise zu photographieren um dann am Ende dem Ganzen eine kleine Geschichte als Kontext zu verleihen liegt mir ganz gut. Danke.
2006-07-28 // 14:40:10 catartica nice!!! it gives a good feeling, i feel like i'm walking with them:)
it reminds me of my beloved walks in the countryside with my friends:D
Aw, cool. This was an unfamiliar place for us but they are close friends of mine. I like the contrast that the film produced here which isn't too unlike what my eyes were doing to adjust to the bright sunlight.