2006-12-08 // 12:42:52
so special that i can only say congratz...

Thank you very much, Mr. Macs! I'm glad you like it

2006-09-04 // 16:21:54
I am going to sell some of my stock of SX-70 film to raise money to pay spies to spy on you and learn your secret techniques.
Ok, but i'll sell my liver to pay spies to kill your spies!

2006-08-14 // 17:01:57
ohhh this is beautiful and frightening at the same time!
Thank you! It's a big compliment

2006-07-24 // 11:11:23
la princese turchese (unverified)
qué coño es esto?

2006-07-24 // 11:11:00
la pincese turchsese (unverified)
por cierto, estás todavía por aquí? o te has ido con tus paps? como te hayas ido sin decir nada te crujo, porque no nos hemos despdidooooo!!!!

2006-07-21 // 22:39:10
tengo que leer rencor entre lineas porque me he ido a mallorca sin limpiar la nevera?
No, por Dios!!! Ya se te echa de menos, Miki...

2006-07-21 // 17:36:01
impresiona la foto... pero el comentario... da miedo!!
Me alegro, cuanto más miedo me tengas, más cuidadoso con las tareas domésticas serás... HAHAHA (risa maligna)

2006-07-21 // 12:26:49
Mine are nothing like that. But perhaps hers are fossilised.

2006-07-21 // 09:01:27
I've just realised that Superman doesn't wear a mask. That sentence should have read "I guess they're just like superman and they'd never meet us without horn-rimmed glasses and dorky facial expressions."
Considering the freaky character of this mission, i see more possible that the Holy Relic crowd look like cool fashion victims in order to hide their true horn-rimmed glasses and dorky facial expressions...
Hey, i forgot you have fallopian tubes, too! Do you think Santa Martha's is credible?

2006-07-20 // 23:49:44
i'm not sure if my fallopian tubes look like that but if i was allowed to choose, i would definetly want this one! it looks cute.
Oh, that's a big complimment!

P.S.: If you finally ascertain that yours don't look like mine, don't hesitate to order one for only 5'95€. And if you do it this week, we have a special offer: one mechanical appendix with each pair of fallopian tubes. You won't regret!

2006-07-20 // 22:17:27
Oh mister! Your Relic is impressive!
The first shot is A~M~A~Z~I~N~G ! ! !

Thank you so much, mister! Upload yours!

2006-07-20 // 18:52:27
I have no relic worthy to offer you at the moment, but this will inspire me to create one. What a wonderful idea. I wish I knew who the freaky Holy.Relic crowd were, so that I could thank them personally, but I guess they're just like Superman and they never remove their masks. Sigh.
I'm with you, the best people in the world need double identities, so the evil people can't find them and offer them boring post office jobs to brake their spirits.

This Holy Relic idea is so fantastic that, since i read it, my husband has stopped snorring, my erections last longer, and my skin looks younger and healthier. Thank you, Mr / Mrs My.Holy.Relics!!!

2006-07-20 // 18:10:57
I knew it must be you! Fantastic. This is so beautiful!
Oh you're so kind... i'm blushing hihihi

2006-07-20 // 17:06:26
very cool stuff my dear friend ... awesome
Thank you!

2006-07-20 // 17:00:39

i love every single picture of it!!
(but especially the first and the last one, and the one below the second one)

and fav

Thank you!!! But, tell me, do you think it really looks like a fallopian tube? As i don't have any and you have two, your opinion is worthier than mine

2006-07-20 // 16:58:06

dear urizen, thank you for this mind blowing contribution to our Holy Prepuce Exchange Ring!
is this masterpiece "available" for trading?

