2006-09-20 // 12:45:22
good collections of feet !!
you think so?
well, thanx - but actually it's nuffin compared to the collection in my deep freezer

2006-02-09 // 01:39:55
cool collection of feet/shoes! should have got me... I have waterskis for feet! they're huge!

2006-02-07 // 09:18:48
Oh God, I looked too! I read the warning too late and now even though I was NOT a foot fetishist beforehand I am afraid I have been infected now! Oh you naughty man to do this to me. Give me more feet! These are lovely! I want more sole, tootsies, heels, mallaoli give me them all! drool, drool, insane ramblings etc...

oh god, wuzzn was so right!

2006-02-06 // 18:38:17
sau schwer zu sagen, wer hier wirklich der verr?ckteste von allen ist, aber du liegst sicher gut im rennen!

super idee!

2006-02-04 // 05:25:33
Well, i like it a lot and i don't consider myself a fetish-pervert,... maybe another kind of pervert, but never a feet-fetish pervert!!!

2006-02-04 // 02:47:19
too late. i looked. and...i LIKE it :-) technical research project...WOW what an incredible idea! concept is great! and the height of the up load is pretty good too.