Halle Kalk is a fantastic Place.
Annex of the Shauchpiel Köln.
this place is huge and perfect for alternative shows like "Signa" did.
with the agreement of the set designer,
i cruised between the houses and caravans with my friend and model J.Delbey.
the company at the time was moving the complete set to Berlin for further shows.
a archaeologic work since everything was build on the spot and no supposed to be moved...
If anyone wants to see this show in Berlin,
I highly recommend it. it will an experience you won't forget!!

I want to thank Thomas Bo Nilsson and my Friend J. always ready to have fun with me what ever the ideas are...

Shotdate | -location:
2008 Feb. | Koeln (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
680 | 600
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Uploaded: Mar. 17, 2008
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