Tribute to Victor Hugo drawings.
immagininazione says:
"I love pics like this: you'll never get tired watching it, your eyes relaxed while "workin" on it continuously...
You are looking at a small wood house probably made before 1920. It is located at just 10 mns from Los Angeles in Sierra Madre canyon village.
Longtime before Americans came in California, Indians first then Spanish conquerors with the Indians were living there because of the river coming from the mountains.
Here is Los Angeles +/- 80yrs later » link
Victor Hugo drawings » link
The Drawings center : » link » link
Like Goya, Victor Hugo was a visionary painter, a defendant of liberty and innovations. He's work revealed Victor Hugo as a precursor of modern art, and a man ahead of his time. Although working in the middle of the nineteenth century, Hugo invented and used a number of processes which until now have been considered twentieth-century innovations, such as pochoir, frottage, grattage, the various Surrealist printing techniques, even abstraction and Informalism.
Hugo's drawings can be seen as an extension of his literary work and at times anticipating it, acting as trial sketches with which the writer would work out a particular idea. At other times the drawings were the result of impressions gained during his trips to Belgium, Germany and Spain, depicted in his landscapes of dark, sombre and sometimes flooded locations, such as the fortresses on the banks of the Rhine or the Spanish castles. These drawings, which are closely linked to the Romantic aesthetic, seem to us like theatrical backdrops awaiting the arrival of the characters on stage.
Shotdate | -location:
| Sierra Madre, Ca (US)
| Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha 1 Mod.2
| 600
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Feel free to move your computer screen... all the dark density will change, somes "stuff" will appears etc etc.
Otherwise it is just a Long exposure shot with tripod and ND4 + few hours of tedious digital scratches removal.