Emli and I on Hungerford Bridge
Pinhole camera pic, you can see the wires of support for Hungerford bridge through my left on the lkeft of the picture, because i had to move my foot to cover the pinhole, and the sky and wires exposed before I could put my leg in place. I really like this effect- so specific to the pinhole....I also think the colours look really painterly...Our arms make a heart shape if you look. Another great thing about the pinhole is that so so so many people were passing in this shot but because they were walking fast the camera didn't pick up on them so it loks like we were the only two there.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Oct. 29 | London (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
Pinhole 80 Sunflower | 89
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Uploaded: Nov. 01, 2006
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