The man on the hill before disaster hits
In the middle of the forest outside Veijle, In a small place named Stouby, is where I spend every Christmas. This pair was designed to show the 'before' setting of the my other diptych-before tragedy happened.

This is on the slope that leads down to the river and I have slipped and fallen many time on this hill. It gets wet and slippy in winter, but is beautiful in the snow and good for a sled ride!

Anyway- this is of my father and my sister's yoy pram- they are meant to be wandering in the forest when he falls, casuing the parm to slip and him to end up freezing in the river- I was trying to show how the forest is anonymous, almost no one passes and it is extremely isolating....

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Dec. 28 | Vejle (DK)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Sonar Autofocus | 600 Extreme Monochrome (expired)
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Uploaded: Feb. 04, 2008
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