friends, well-wishers, and bartenders...
"friends, well-wishers, and bartenders along the way" (full title)

L to R:

row 1: cyroff & helena (drug dealer & hooker, prague), lina (prague), raul diaz (friend, paris), cyril (friend, paris), "jambon et fromage" (paris), unknown & unknown (happy couple, paris)

row2: kucin (prague), "jambon et fromage deux" (paris), ilona (london), michaela (bartender, prague), ben (brussels, but from denver), "the flute player" (amsterdam)

row 3: mc eksman (london), james (prague but from london. couldn't you tell from the ascot?), "the parisian midget" (paris), ivan the terrible (prague), candice (london), mike (bartender, prague)

row 4: franck (sketch artist, prague), james hatcher (co-worker, prague), dj mosus (london), irene (bartender, amsterdam), martin (bartender, prague), kelvin (train passenger, brussels but from gambia)

row 5: sara & layla (london), william (train passenger, brussels but from denver), john (u.s. army stationed in paris), herman the heroin addict (bar patron, amsterdam), jakob (bartender, prague), brune & sun (happy couple, paris)

Shotdate | -location:
2007 May | Paris (FR)

Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 SE | 779
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Uploaded: June 19, 2007
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