Coca Tea and a Hike
Before I left Cuzco to board the train to Machu Picchu...I had the little hotel kitchen brew up a rather large thermos of extra strong coca tea for me (just trying to plan ahead).

At ground level it was so overwhelming to see. I needed another perspective to help put it into place.

So...I took a large swig of tea and headed up the sides of the terraces like a damn billy goat.
When I reached a spot that I liked, I whipped out my malfuntioned!!

But Thank God for Polaroid, the shot was saved and the reward of the view...amazing!

( Side note: I finished off the tea and buzzed around for another 15 hours or so ).

Shotdate | -location:
1982 | Machu Picchu (PE)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | SX-70
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Uploaded: Apr. 29, 2010
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