My wife was trying on a new dress. Loved the 60/70's style and had to grab a shot.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Apr. 09 | Glasgow (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha1 | PX100 FF
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Large diffused ceiling light directly above.
Tripod mounted.
Shielded as soon as it leaves the camera with a darkslide taped to the camera.
Exposure dial turned 3mm to darker. Left to develop in 21°C for the first 10 seconds, checked, rubbed on shirt for 5 seconds, left to develop for another 15 seconds, put in fridge to bring out the highlights.
All while shielded from the light (except when checking)
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Uploaded: Apr. 09, 2010
Views: 546  [149]
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