The first glimmer of success.

I wanted to share this image with all of you who maybe interested in handcrafted instant images.

Once again...Please pardon the rather mundane subject matter...it's been my test subject for years and doesn't complain...as long as I talk nice.


* My shorthand for image recieving sheets.

For years, I've been experimenting off and on with handcrafted instant SDTR ( silver diffusion tranfer reversal) materials to promote my vision of at least 75% handcrafted instant images.
It was one way around buying totally commerical instant materials, as great as they all are...I wished to hallmark my vision of image making with materials of my own design.

Preliminary Evaluation

The image isn't as crisp an clear, as I would have wished...because of the chemical regent from the pod overlaying the silver nuclei. When I have more test images, I'll enough samples to work with, regarding clearing the image layer.

I haven't run a step wedge test yet...but the density maybe along the lines of 1.4. For me...this density will work.

The solutions for the silver nuclei requires more filtering and improved coating procedure. This is the desert and it's hard to try an hold back the desert...it's everywhere.

I chose the Fuji FP-3000, because of the larger image format and film speed. Also it was economical and a proven material to work with.

The Future

Formulating my own chemical regent, which I've already done sometime back...way back and the delivery system for the regent.
By adjusting the formula...the possiblity of using enlarging paper, commerical negative film and handcrafted photo- emulsions maybe possible.

To me...all this is leading towards:
Phase 2...larger formats.
Phase 3...instant additive colour transparencies.

So...for all my friends out there...thank you for looking in.
Please enjoy and most of all be creative...think outside the box...turn the page on an old book...try to see nature in a different light.

From the desert of long shadows...Bye for now.

John Gee

Shotdate | -location:
2011 May 28 | Carson City,NV (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
440 | Fuji FP-3000B
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Materials: Fuji FP-3000 B/W negative and chemical pod with original paper masks intacted.
Hand coated transparent sheet with silver nuclei.

Camera: Polaroid 440 with trim dial at center /overcast skies.

Scanner: Scanned on auto as a transparency.
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Uploaded: May 30, 2011
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