This is a true story ...

This is a picture of me (on the right) and my friend Micheal Alig. It was taken for Details mag or something like that, back in 87'. I am dressed up in a purple fur coat and i am wearing electrical tape over my eyebrows (trying to be creative, hahaha) Anyway, I was totaly into the N.Y.C CLUB SCENE back in the 80'S. Actually i was named 'OLIVER TWISTED' and I was one of the first ever ...
In the begining is was all good clean fun ... getting drunk and acting decadent or what we called 'FABULOUS'; Gathering stray young and funky club goers, and haveing parties in VIP rooms just for ourselves.
(yes, there was alot of sex and drugs ) but 'AT THE TIME' it was like i said, 'good clean fun'.
Then as the 90's rolled in the parties got STRANGER and ' Can i just sat it ?' ...
FUCKED UP. The party heads grew in numbers and it seemed that ever night there was a NEW 'IT' KID ... You know,by this time the ELECTRICAL TAPE and FUR combo didn't cut it anymore...
Anyway, for me things started to get out of hand. I had money and things stolen from me a few times. I stopped going to collage (S.V.A). I was getting a little too experimental. I just needed to 'BAIL' !!!
SO i did .....
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FRIEND MICHEAL ALIG and THE GANG only a few years after i left ....

Shotdate :
1987 May
Related tags:
'some people never go crazy ....
what boring lives they must lead'.
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Uploaded: May 08, 2008
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