Lu 40
And in the dark of the night,
and it does get dark…
when I call a name — When I call a name.
It'll be your name.
What's your name? Never mind.
Let's go. Say it. - Let's go.
Everywhere. - Everywhere.
Even though — Even though
We're scared. - We're scared.
'Cause it's life — It's life.
And it's happening.
It's really, really happening…
right… now.

from Me and You and Everyone We Know, a film by Miranda July, 2005.

[Impossible* PX-600 v6 film on sx-70 alpha w/ND filter@lens]

* Although I'd use a film wich is not Polaroid, Impossible film keeps the heritage of the original brand.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Oct. 15 | Porto (PT)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha 1 Mod.2 | PX600
Related tags:
with ND filter@lens
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Mar. 26, 2011
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