attack of the cigarette box münsters!
and JUST in time for the new px film!! they are surly not as hungry for it though, as i..

i made these for my sculpture class spaceforms and materials. my idea behind it is that even though people smoke cigarettes and most think not twice about it.. they are truly little monsters that will either end up killing you.. or destroying your wallet.. its just so hard to stop.

observations while shooting film:
shot indoors against a white backdrop and a flourecent light overhead to light the subject.
dark/light wheel set to middle
i just let this one chill on the top of my bed upside down.. shooting indoors is not much of a hassle as outside..
-i also rubbed this one against my chest for about 20 seconds.. heated it up a bit and i could start to see how the darks were becoming more of a red.. especially in the bottom left corner. i love this effect :)

(where you have to be on your toes :P)

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Apr. 17 | Milwaukee (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Model 2 | PX100 FF
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Uploaded: Apr. 18, 2010
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