For Neda
I took this photo yesterday, moments before I saw the video of the death of a beautiful young woman in the streets of Tehran, Neda (ندا ). Although I have yet to have the good fortune to visit Iran, professional and personal experiences in my life have made that country's people and fate important to me. As I watched this woman die in the video, and then saw, in the subsequent hours, her memory become a symbol for the Green Revolution sweeping through sectors of Iran, I thought of this image. With her tragic and untimely death, Neda has become larger than life, a symbol of her nation's historic struggle for genuine independence and representation. So many Iranians have been martyred for the cause of freedom over the past century. I continually hope that there are no more Nedas. May the Iranian nation, like all nations around the world, find their own equilibrium, one that is truly just for their society.
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SX-70 Alpha 1 Mod.2
| SX-70 Blend
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