parental lineup
I'm just trying to help out my silly stubborn son, doing my best to spare him the embarrasing defeat of not being able to get 300 noiders to line up..

rest like on Mamtschi's picture description.
with the following eggzeptions:
* I own a lot of polaroid cameras
* I do own a computer, internet connection and an email addy - so please feel free to write me flattering comments!

..and.. ahum.. I think I'm not so completely totally uninterested in this sagenumwobene xposed thingy - ahum...

Shotdate | -location:
2009 Nov. 01 | Wien (AT)

Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 | 600 (expired)
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Uploaded: Nov. 01, 2009
Views: 979  [197]
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