Lifeblood of the city
When I was a kid this river was bright green. We used to come here- driving from 30 miles away to buy cds, come to roches stores, and if i was lucky- visit the early learning centre. I always used to love feeding the ducks and would come equipped with a bag of bread for them...I always used to wonder why they didn't just drink the pea soup river. That's what Dad said it was- a river of pea soup, he said that was where all the pea soup in the world came from- and that they bottled it down the river in the big factory like structure you can see in this picture- and then sent it around the world.
On this visit- the river was brown...I wonder what Dad would tell me it is now...
Shotdate | -location:
| Cork (IE)
| Filmtype:
| 664
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