The Book of Secrets
I used to copy lots of old books for the Duke of Roxburgh. This one, a 'Book of Secrets' written by Catherine Tolemache 400 years ago. It seemed to be mainly recipes involving quinces and trout. I couldnt rely on the lab to produce accurate E6 over three days of shooting, so could not do test films, In the end I shot over 100 Polas then 1500 sheets of 5x4 E6 film, which was all processed in the same batch, with exposure brackets of 1/3 stops. I used a friends studio in the baement of his house in North London, which happened to be next door to Liam Gallaghers house, so while we were shooting the book, we could hear him strumming in his basement studio next door. I also had to shoot it again on 120 and enlarged contacts for continuity. I was paid with a copy of the book!.

Shotdate | -location:
2000 | London (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
Linhof 4x5 | 79 Polacolor Pro 100
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Uploaded: Mar. 02, 2009
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