*note: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Statement for "Amnesia [elephants never forget]" series. It may not be worded perfectly, but I believe it gets my message across pretty clearly and explains the title:
This is the beginning of the end of the world. In fact, now we are probably closer to the middle. Look around, is anything even close to perfect anymore? Homes are breaking, species are disappearing, families are separating, war is everywhere, obesity has become a common means for living, materialism is blinding us, and money is breaking us. Each and every person has complete control over their life despite how hard they may try to deny it. Their efforts may be utilized in many better ways. And if anyone doesn't have control, they posses the power to obtain help from those who do. So unless you are like Jean-Dominique Bauby with locked-in syndrome who has no use of his vocal chords or movement of his entire body except for his left eye, you don't have any excuses. In fact, even he found a way to survive and make the best of what he had! The world is deteriorating and messages are failing to come across to too many people. Global warming, endless wars, broken peace, homeless people, rich people, con artists, criminals world wide; why can't this just be one big happy, peaceful place? Because it is overpopulated with humans who are just animals. Although, on the contrary, animals don't and could never do the harm that people do. Plastic bottles, bags and containers, fur coats, gun permits, fashionable drugs, name brands, iPhones, blackberries, MacBook Pros, fast food, drive thrus and deliveries---we're set for life right? We already have robots, Nintendo Wii and cars that literally park themselves. What else could we possibly need? Too bad we aren't all elephants in the African safari. Oh but wait, we destroyed that too. I just want to scream out to the world, "wake up!!" Or does everyone just have amnesia?
I am going to be able to submit a work to an art exhibition with the theme “Awfully Beautiful.” The help I need from all of you is to tell me if this is the best one to submit. I feel like the key, the title of the photo, the happy accidents that occurred in the pola's development process and the series' statement all tie together pretty well for the exhibition's theme. But I would love to know if you agree with me, or if you think I should chose a different one, and if so which one? Oh and also..borders or borderless?? You have no idea how much I'd appreciate this! Hope to hear from you!! (Flickr mail your responses pleaseeeeee<3)
the set is a set!